Lighting Project -Hudson Pickleball & Tennis Courts
Barlow Farm Park

The Hudson Pickleball & Tennis courts at Barlow Farm Park were opened in October, 2022. At the time of building, the plan was to add lighting to the courts and the site is prepped for lighting. However, available city funds did not enable the installation of lights at the time. Since then, the popularity of the courts (both tennis and pickleball) has proven the viability of the complex. In order to increase available playing time, a public fundraising campaign has been started to complete our desire for lighted courts. The lights will be tournament-quality LED-lights.

Goal: $500,000



If you would like to include a brick as part of your donation (amounts $250, $500, or $1,000), please click on this link to enter your brick inscription information:


  • Please Contact Hugo Sandberg for more information - or 330-388-3480
  • Join the Hudson Pickleball Group Facebook at:


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For tax  purposes, Hudson Community Foundation, tax ID 34-1935499, is a public charity under Internal Revenue Code sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1).

HCF is proud to be accredited by the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations, meeting the nation's highest philanthropic standards for operational quality, integrity and accountability.